Last Minute Gin 700ml
Last Minute Gin 700ml
Last Minute Gin 700ml
Don't have the time? We do!
"Last Minute Gin" is the perfect gin to grab when you don't have a moment to spare. A smooth and classic gin, it pairs well with any occasion.
This gin is expertly distilled in small batches by our artisan master distiller to create a true craft product. Every part of its production is done by hand using traditional time-tested methods.
With notes of Asian spice and citrus complementing its traditional backbone of juniper and coriander seed, this gin is perfectly designed to add some last-minute zing to both your drink and your night.
40% ABV
KJ & CO Distillery
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We take inspiration from our precious country and region, our new vibrant city and the amazing holiday spots in the wider Canterbury region. We pride ourselves on sourcing New Zealand product whenever possible, and of course value and protect the pristine pure water of New Zealand that we use in all of our products.